Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Literary Essay

As a kid i was young and innocent, but now I am becoming a man. The years coming up for an kid to a man was a state of maturity. I hit that state when i was thirdteen, it was very different for i was hitting puperty. Everything started to change for me, toys i used to like, didn't care for anymore; foods i didn't like before started to taste good. Just like John, I had a rite to passage in which made me mature. However, Johns journey to the Place of the Gods makes him more courageous, knowledgeable, and independent.

As john traveled to the Forbidden land, he became more couragous. For instance, when john is faced with the fear of dieing as he enters the forbiden land, instead of turning back, he pushes forward. Here john show how his courage and dertermination to complete his task, over takes the fear of dying on his journey. Also, he fact that John is completeing a journey that no eles has done, is impressive and  shows bravery to the hill people. Then when John touches metal after being chased by dogs, only priests can touch metal. John is not yet a priest, but is the son of a priest and since metal is from the place of the dead, he is not suspose to touch it or he might die. But instead, john overcomes death to save him from sure death, the dogs, by touching the metal. Though John's journey, he became more coragous though he experiences with death itself.

After going to the Forbidden land and back to he hometown of the hill people, John has collected a great deal of new Knowledge. For example, when John Finds that they are more technologicly advanced before then in the time he is in. Hunting with bows and arrows now and living in the hills, the hill people are very outdated compared to past where they had guns and lived in the cities. John sees how in the past they had more advanced tools then they had which was confusings to him, in the sense that hill people didn't know about this techonology. Then John finds out that the forbidden land is not filled with gods but normal people. This creates the idea that all the priests have told them about the gods is a lie. John wants to tell all the hill people about this concept but it would create conflict within the tribe.

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