Sunday, May 20, 2012

Macklemore and Ryan Lewis

Macklemore is a rapper and Ryan Lewis is a DJ that met over a beat on Myspace, back in 2006. They both live in Seattle, which gives them an edge because being know as a rapper in that city gives you a big fan base. Recently, these rappers have been on tour and have been selling out shows through out the country. They were both on this years XXL freshman edition with their song "Victory Lap", this just goes to show how good they have become in the recent years. However, in the years coming up, Macklemore battled a substance abuse problem. After high school, he was trying assorts of drugs, but mostly oxycontin and then he hit rock bottom. After living in his moms basement, Macklemore went into rehab and began to work on his music again. In 2005, he released the album "The Language of My World", then in 2009, he released "The Unplanned Mixtape, and then in 2010, him and Ryan Lewis released, "VS. Redux". He then was signed by the label company The Agency group. His first big hit was in 2010, called "The Otherside", this song was cleverly made tell the story of  his struggle with abuse and his developing rapping career, to make one amazing song.

Macklemore is a young rapper that is trying to make his name known coming out of Seattle. After coming of a substance abuse, he has become a devoted, hard working rapper. Many thought that he would never make in the raping world, for he is white and coming out of Seattle. But instead of letting that bring him down, he used it to his advantage. Since not many rappers come out from Seattle, their are not many hometown stars. So he became their idol, and he give back to the fans that make him famous to show his love for them. He throws a pizza party every year for them to show their talents to him. The most popular song for him today is the song "And We Danced", which personally is a very good song but is not his best work. One of the things that I really like about his music is the fact that he puts the piano in his songs.   This is something that I can really relate to for I play the piano. He also throws in a lot of Irish beats which is neat in the sense that it unique and not many rappers do it. My favorite song that is out right now by him has to be "Can't Hold Us", for it has a fast beat that really gets me going. I Also like the song "Wings", that tell about how little kids look up to the famous people. However it also tells about shoes, which I can also relate to because I love buying expensive shoes. The best line from the song is "You are what you wear and we are what we wear", this line is one of those quotes you can write a book on. It is so true and hits it on the dot with kids today, because you can tell what a person is like based on what they wear.

(Word Count 531)


  1. I like how you give a lot of fun information about the artist, but it doesn't seem like you put in your own opinion and why you REALLY like the artist.

  2. David makes a legit point--maybe more focus on commentary would appease him.

    I totally disagree with the "You are what you wear and we are what we wear" quote. It's simplistic, elitist (in some ways), and limiting. In fact, the concept is downright dangerous if applied by a narrow minded individual. Just ask Trayvon Martin's family.

    I can't write any more pointers for you, because I'd just be repeating all the comments I wrote in the first few posts. I'm afraid that I need to make sure ominous warnings have teeth....

    One egregious error: "Many thought that he would never make in the raping world, for he is white and coming out of Seattle. " Who said spelling doesn't count? There's a world of difference between rapping and raping, even if the PMRC disagrees....(look it up!)
